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EENGO's Engagement with Government Officials

Eagle Eyes NGO (EENGO) recently met with government officials and discuss the key points of this meeting included:

  1. Public Opinion and Development: Emphasising the importance of incorporating public sentiment into national development, peace, and reconciliation processes. The government is encouraged to actively listen to and integrate public opinions on these crucial issues.

  2. Information Sharing and Engagement: EENGO will provide comprehensive information about its ongoing activities to the government, demonstrating its impact and potential contributions to broader development goals. This includes actively engaging in governmental development programs to enhance their effectiveness through grassroots insights and experience.

  3. Supporting Parliamentary Party Groups: EENGO has a history of collaborating with parliamentary groups to help them achieve their aims and objectives. This support includes organising conferences, seminars, and symposiums focused on policy making, equality, sustainable development, peace initiatives, and societal changes.

  4. Building Government-Public Relations: Strengthening the relationship between the government and the public is a key objective. EENGO will act as a bridge, fostering better communication and understanding between citizens and governmental bodies.

  5. Collaboration with Various Organisations: EENGO emphasises the importance of cooperation with governmental, non-governmental, and voluntary organisations. This collaboration aims to provide comprehensive services to communities at local, national, and international levels, enhancing the reach and effectiveness of development programs.

Meeting was held on Thursday, January 31st 2019 in Lancaster Hall of London with participation of
representatives of over fifty states and international organizations.

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Boris Johnson Prime Minister of United Kingdom)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Boris Johnson Prime Minister of United Kingdom)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting on 15/03/2019 with (Chancellor Philip Hammond MP)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting on 19/11/2018 with (Secretary of State for Justice David Gauke MP)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Rory Stewart Minister for Justice and MP)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting on 17/10/2018 with (Minister Mark Filed)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting on 06/03/2018 with (Minister UK International Development Ms Penny)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Minister Alister Burt)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Mr Stephen Pound Member of Parliament)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Mr Sadiq Khan The Mayor of London)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Rt Hon Justine Greening MP Secretary of State for Education
Cllr: Lindsey Hall)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (Hon James Brokenshire MP
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (leader of the house of Lords Bearons Evens on the 14th Sep)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with (The Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP Foreign Secretary)

Mr Heshmat U Assadi Meeting with former President of Afghanistan (Mr Hamid Karzai)




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