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Football League and Tournaments

Eagle Eyes NGO has successfully organised numerous football leagues and tournaments across various locations in London, attracting thousands of attendees. These events featured 5, 7, and 11-a-side tournaments for men and boys, bringing together participants from 87 different nationalities within UK. These tournaments were notable for the high levels of community engagement, drawing participants from Afghan, Asian, Middle Eastern, European, and African communities.

Sport Aims

Our sports initiatives aim to:

  • Expand the Sports Family: Encourage more people to join and participate in sports.

  • Create and Sustain New Sports Clubs: Foster the establishment of new sports clubs.

  • Provide Organised Sports Experiences: Offer structured sports activities.

  • Provide Training and Education: Enhance skills and knowledge related to sports.

  • Facilitate Friendship Through Sports: Promote social connections and camaraderie.

  • Improve Health and Well-being: Foster physical and mental health benefits through regular sports participation.

  • Develop Personal, Social, and Life Skills: Support holistic development.

  • Reduce Crime and Anti-social Behaviour: Engage youth positively to deter negative behaviours.

  • Build Employability Skills and Relevant Qualifications: Prepare participants for job opportunities.

  • Move Participants into Education, Training, and Employment: Provide pathways to further education and employment.

Social Aims

Our sports projects are designed to:

  • Reduce Isolation and Exclusion: Mitigate feelings of marginalisation among disadvantaged groups.

  • Cultivate Positive Community Relationships: Use sports to foster cooperation and mutual understanding.

  • Improve Social, Mental, and Physical Health: Encourage regular participation in sports for overall well-being.

  • Increase Voluntary Activity: Promote volunteerism through sports clubs.

  • Enhance Employability: Provide training and pathways to jobs in the sports sector.

Community Benefits

Our initiatives aim to:

  • Raise Awareness of Barriers: Highlight challenges in accessing and participating in sports.

  • Educate Community Leaders: Inform leaders about the benefits of sports for health and community integration.

  • Build Capacity: Help communities plan and implement sports projects.

  • Work with Funders: Advocate for financial support for sports initiatives.

Support and Development

We provide:

  • One-to-one Advice and Support: Assist communities in fundraising and project planning.

  • Sports Development Training: Offer training sessions for community and refugee sports groups.

  • Funding Seminars: Organise events focused on securing funds for sports projects.

  • Workshops for Community Leaders: Raise awareness of sports' positive impacts on health and integration.

  • Support for Refugee-led Football Teams: Facilitate participation in leagues and build capacity.

Barriers to Participation

Participants face several challenges:

  • Knowledge of Organised Sports Structure: Lack of understanding of how sports are organised.

  • Links with Organised Sports: Limited connections to established sports networks.

  • Access to Facilities: Difficulty in accessing quality venues for matches and training.

  • Expertise in Coaching and Management: Shortage of skilled coaches and administrators.

  • Team Kit and Equipment: Need for appropriate sportswear and equipment.

  • Transport: Challenges in travelling to and from sports events.

  • Perception of Costs: Belief that organised sports are too expensive.

  • Lack of Funding: Insufficient financial resources to support sports activities.

Through these comprehensive activities and objectives, Eagle Eyes NGO aims to significantly enhance the lives of refugees and asylum seekers by leveraging the power of sports to foster inclusion, health, and community well-being. By addressing barriers to participation and providing extensive support, we strive to create a more inclusive and vibrant community.






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