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About Us

Vision Statement

We’re working to improve life for refugees and asylum seekers in the United Kingdom. Our vision is that every person has a safe and happy life, and the foundations they need to thrive. We put refugees and vulnerable people at the heart of everything we do. That includes our mission and values. They’re our blueprint for the way we work.

Our Mission

We strive to protect the honour and prestige of every person fleeing war and persecution with a view to protecting their honour and dignity. We do this by providing support in every possible way. We make sure their issues and grievances are addressed. We work tirelessly campaigning to ensure betterment in their lives.

Our Values

  • Passionate about Serving Humanity: We are committed to improving the lives of refugees and asylum seekers.

  • Ambitious for Children and Young People: We focus on the future by supporting the younger generations.

  • Collaborative and Engaging: We work with other organisations to achieve the best outcomes.

  • Inclusive and Non-discriminatory: We ensure our services are accessible to all refugees and asylum seekers, subject to our resources and capabilities.




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