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EEA Services In Afghanistan

Eagle Eyes NGO: Key Activities and Achievements

In recent years, Eagle Eyes NGO (EENGO) has organised numerous conferences in the UK Parliament, focusing on investment opportunities in Afghanistan. These conferences have attracted members of Parliament, foreign diplomats, investors, businessmen, and officials from the Government and Industry. The aim was to promote investment in Afghan sectors such as agriculture, electricity, mining, and products like dry fruits, carpets, marble, and saffron. These events provided a platform for Afghan businessmen to present their business plans, discuss global marketing strategies, and network with potential investors.

Projects and Initiatives

We have presented several project ideas to the UK government, international communities, through these conferences to garner support for Afghanistan’s development. Key projects include:

  1. Afghan National Diplomacy (AND)

  2. Peace and reconciliation

  3. Afghan School of Thoughts (AST)

  4. Afghan Government Watchdog (AGW)

  5. UK International Trial Court for War Criminals (UKITCWC)

  6. Peace and Diplomacy Conference (PDC)

  7. Grand National Front (GNF)

  8. Establishment of Regional Community Legal Firm (RCLF)

  9. Training for Provincial Councils & Afghan MPs (TPCA)

  10. Capacity Building (CB)

Peace and reconciliation

"Sustainable Peace for All" aims to address the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Since the international military coalition's intervention in 2001, the Taliban regime has been removed, but lasting peace and state-building remain elusive. SPA aims to foster an exchange of ideas to achieve peace at national, regional, and international levels. Our objective is to enhance governance and restore peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan through lobbying, conferences, and symposiums.

Objectives of the Conferences

The primary aim of our conferences is to create a conducive environment for dialogue among conflicting parties in Afghanistan. We seek practical solutions to resolve the conflict, considering the current conditions and dynamics within Afghanistan and the broader region. Our efforts focus on establishing a healthy and peaceful atmosphere to promote lasting peace and reconciliation.

Supporting Schools in Afghanistan

Eagle Eyes NGO has made significant contributions to education in Afghanistan. We donated school supplies, including bags, pens, pencils, notebooks, and fans, to Padshah Sahib Paymanar Boys School, one of the poorest schools in Kabul. This support benefitted hundreds of children and their teachers, improving their educational experience.

Promoting Afghan Artisanal and Handicraft Products

Eagle Eyes NGO has been supporting Afghan artisans by promoting their products, such as jewellery, saffron, carpets, leather handbags, and licorice roots, through workshops, fairs, exhibitions, shops, and open markets. These efforts have provided Afghan artisans with opportunities to reach broader markets and sustain their livelihoods.

Future Goals and Partnerships

Eagle Eyes NGO aims to continue its activities in Afghanistan in coordination with local authorities. Our experience since 2002 in training and capacity building, peace and reconciliation efforts, and organising international conferences positions us to contribute significantly to Afghanistan’s stability. We seek strategic partnerships to mobilise resources effectively and expand our reach to those in need of our services. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on peace, stability, and development in Afghanistan.

EENGO looks forward to collaborating with partners to mobilize resources and extend our reach to those who need our services the most. Together, we can make a significant impact on peace, stability, and development in Afghanistan.







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